Performance of Ejector Refrigeration Cycle Using a Steady Flow Model

Leonardo Esteban Pacheco Sandoval, Carlos Alirio Diaz Gonzalez, German David Acebedo Roncancio, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Camacho

Producción científica: Artículos / NotasArtículo Científicorevisión exhaustiva


A study of an alternative ejector cooling system is proposed in this paper. Amathematical model without irreversibility is developed and simulated. The numericalresults are validated with literature data for two working fluids (R134a and R152a). Theperformance and behavior of the system using conventional refrigerants (HFC’s, HC’s)and unconventional (R717, R718) is obtained; the process uses 100 kW of heat availablein a waste stream. Finally, the paper explores the reduction of problems associated withtheuseofconventionalrefrigerantsbyintroducingtheuseofR718(water)astheworkingfluid of the proposed system
Idioma originalEspañol (Colombia)
Páginas (desde-hasta)12 - 27
PublicaciónRevista Facultad de Ingenieria
EstadoPublicada - 2024

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