Design Process of an Intelligent Tutor to Support Researchers in Training

Fanny Cisneros, Martha Lucia Orellana Hernández, Victoria I. Marín, Nancy Peré, Dolores Zambrano, Yidda Marcial

Producción científica: EventosEventos científicos


The context of the current proposal is based on the research project Investiga+, which has as one of its main objectives the selection and creation of (open) educational resources for the training of apprentice researchers and the creation of a repository with those resources. Based on the literature and the own experience, success in training is not achieved without support in the selection of the most appropriate resources according to the training needs. One of the possible solutions for this problem is a personalized smart tutor that facilitates this selection and the decision making of the students based on the answers they give to the questions of the virtual tutor. As a methodology for the creation of this tutor we propose the Design Research with ADDIE Rapid Prototyping Strategy in software development. The tutor would be the input element of the educational resources portal, which is one of the products of the Investiga+ project. At the moment, the proposal is in the techno-pedagogical development phase of the virtual tutor prototype. With this proposal, it is expected to improve the guidance of researchers in training regarding the use of educational resources for their research work, as well as to make methodological decisions within their research project.
Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas10
EstadoPublicada - 2019
EventoEdMedia + Innovate Learning - Amsterdam, Países Bajos
Duración: 24 jun. 201928 jun. 2019


ConferenciaEdMedia + Innovate Learning
País/TerritorioPaíses Bajos

Palabras clave

  • Formación de investigadores
  • recursos investigativos
  • tutor inteligente
  • tutor virtual

Líneas de Investigación UNAB

  • Pensamiento sistémico, educación y tecnología

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