Discursos sobre la unidad latinoamericana en la canción protesta (1963-1995). Análisis semiótico.

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis deals with the Latin American protest song as a powerful cultural and semiotic object that created social processes and the construction of meaning in the period between 1963 and 1995, which corresponds to a large part of the Cold War (1945-1991). In a particular way, it evidences through semiotics the modes of organization of the meaning of political and literary representations about Latin American unity configured by this type of song. The first chapter refers to the discursive construction of Latin American unity as a fundamental strategy of Latin Americanism, from the end of the 18th century to the end of the 20th century, and also reflects a configuration of what is considered its opponent from the mid-19th century: Pan-Americanism, USA government plan for foreign intervention. The second exposes the origin and characteristics of the protest song in the subcontinent, while drawing a characterization of said musical object as militant or independent. The third, applies the semiotic analysis of discourse and the analysis of cultural practices to a corpus of eight songs. The work closes with the respective conclusions and also provides an epilogue referring to the current panorama of the situation that is the reason for the research and analysis.
Date of Award12 Jul 2022
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Awarding Institution
  • Universidad Externado de Colombia
SupervisorMarta Maria Saade Granados (Supervisor) & María Consuelo Ahumada Beltrán (Supervisor)

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