Videogames: Multisensory incentives boosting multiple intelligences in primary Education

Ma Esther del Moral-Pérez, Laura Carlota Fernández-García, Alba Patricia Guzmán-Duque

Research output: Articles / NotesScientific Articlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Introduction. Our research focused on studying the extent to which the planned, systematic use of educational videogames can result in the generation of learning contexts conducive to developing Multiple Intelligences (MIs) amongst schoolchildren. Methodology. A twofold methodological approach was adopted: a) qualitative: previous assessment and analysis of the videogame to be utilized in the experience, giving priority to its suitability and correspondence with primary education curricular areas; b) experimental: case study oriented to verifying the possible increase of MIs amongst pupils enrolled in the First Cycle of Primary Education (N=101) derived from implementing the videogame in the classroom during one academic year, using a control group and identifying the level reached before (test) and after the experience (post-test) with an assessment instrument. Results. The previous selection of a videogame guarantees the acquisition and reinforcement of numerous learning formats linked to specific Primary Education curricular contents. The fun activities -related to all eight intelligences- imply motivating challenges for schoolchildren as well as chances to boost various skills. A widespread increase of all intelligences was observed after the playful-formative experience with the videogame; this became particularly significant in the cases of logical-mathematical, visual-spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence -the first two improving to a greater extent in girls than in boys. Conclusions: The starting hypothesis was verified: the introduction of suitable videogames in the classroom and their systematic exploitation promotes MI development amongst primary education children. In particular, measuring operations, mathematical calculations, counts, shape and size identification and classification, relationships and correspondences, etc., presented in an entertaining way by means of animations, graphics and drawings, together with the activities that promote body care (healthy diet and personal hygiene), facilitate learning and improve MIs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-270
Number of pages28
JournalElectronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Cognitive and emotional learning
  • Motivation
  • Multiple intelligences
  • Skills
  • Videogames


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