Utilidad de la evaluación USG Doppler de las arterias uterinasentrelassemanas11y13+6ysuaplicaciónen las calculadoras de riesgo para predecir preeclampsia

Translated title of the contribution: Usefulness of the USG Doppler evaluation of the uterine arteries between weeks 11 and 13+6 and its application in risk calculators to predict preeclampsia

María Camila Otero-Rosales, Cristhian David Olarte-Marín, Johan Danilo Padilla-Serpa, Paula Andrea Morales-Duarte, Eliana Maribel Quintero-Roa

Research output: Articles / NotesScientific Articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Introduction. Preeclampsia is the primary cause of direct maternal death in Colombia and the second globally. The development of prediction and prevention strategies can reduce complications and consequences caused by this disease. The uterine arteries Doppler between weeks 11 and 13+6 as an independent test or in combination with maternal factors or biochemical tests allows for early detection rates for preeclampsia of ≤90% from the implementation of different sieving. The validity of this diagnostic test has a sensitivity of 47.8% and specificity of 92.1% for the early detection of preeclampsia; with a sensitivity of 26.4% and specificity of 93.4% to predict preeclampsia at any stage. Division of Covered Topics. This topic review covers the usefulness of this measurement. It discusses the performance of the technique in question and, lastly, the standardized tools currently available are reviewed together with the accessibility and accuracy. Conclusions. The empirical evidence that supports the validity of the tools available today for the screening of preeclampsia via Doppler ultrasound evaluation of the uterine arteries is significant. As Colombia is a country with a high prevalence of preeclampsia, knowing the usefulness of this measurement favors early and timely surveillance, which reduces possible unfavorable outcomes for mothers.

Translated title of the contributionUsefulness of the USG Doppler evaluation of the uterine arteries between weeks 11 and 13+6 and its application in risk calculators to predict preeclampsia
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)375-383
Number of pages9
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2022
Externally publishedYes


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