Towards socially shared regulation within CSCL scripts: Mirroring group participation in PyramidApp

Emily Theophilou, Ishari Amarasinghe, Davinia Hernández-Leo, René Lobo, Francisco Crespi

Research output: Articles / NotesConference articlepeer-review


Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) has been shown to enhance learning by promoting peer interactions. With the support of collaborative learning flow patterns (CLFP), the collaboration process within the so-called CSCL macro-scripts can be further structured and constrained. However, social dynamics within tasks, even within scripts, have the potential to hinder the collaborative element as students might not participate sufficiently in conversations. To determine if participation in discussions between students was balanced within a CSCL script we analysed data from an implementation of the Pyramid CLFP. The data showed that student participation varied across different groups, with some groups and students not initiating conversation between them. Socially shared regulation is a social form of regulation where students regulate their learning as a group rather than as individuals through the means of discussion, negotiation, and perspective taking. As research has shown that for collaborative learning to be successful students need to engage in fruitful discussions and support each other to regulate their learning, we propose the implementation of a social awareness feature mirroring group participation through learning analytics in a CLFP tool (PyramidApp) to promote socially shared regulated learning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-80
Number of pages8
JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
StatePublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes
Event9th Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain: Learning Analytics in Times of COVID-19: Opportunity from Crisis, LASI-SPAIN 2021 - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 7 Jul 20219 Jul 2021


  • CSCL
  • Learning analytics
  • Pyramid CLFP
  • Social awareness
  • Socially shared regulated learning


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