Morfometría de cladodios de nopal cultivado en Santander - Colombia: Estudio exploratorio

RAMIREZ ADRIANA, Francisco Javier León (Co-author), Yudy Mariana Alfaro Wisaquillo (Co-author), Rafael Mariano Alvarez Quintero (Co-author), Paola Andrea Zapata Ocampo (Co-author)

Research output: Articles / NotesScientific Articlepeer-review


The prickly pear, a fleshy plant with widely researched nutritional and therapeutic properties at the industrial level, is cultivated abundantly in the municipality of La Mesa de los Santos -Santander in Colombia, because to the arid conditions of the area. The main purpose of this study was to carry out a detailed morphometric characterization of the nopal cladode, which is a cactus branch resembling a leaf, and to analyze the nutritional and microbiological properties of the flour produced from Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller. A total of 108 cladodes, each with a length greater than 30 cm, were processed, analyzing variables such as weight, length, and thickness. Additionally, bromatological values, including ash content, moisture, crude fiber, calcium, acidity, and protein, were determined. The presence of microorganisms was assessed through aerobic microorganism counts, identification of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, yeast, and fungi analysis. The results of the morphometric analysis revealed a significant correlation between weight and width (with a correlation coefficient of r = 0,80) and the vertical length of the nopal cladodes (r = 0,72). Regarding the bromatological characterization of nopal flour, the obtained values were as follows: moisture 11,7 %, ash 1,54 %, fat 2,3 %, protein 6,2 %, crude fiber 8,2 %, total carbohydrates 64,22 %, and acidity 0,12 %. As for the microbiological analysis of nopal flour, values were reported below the allowed limits for mesophilic aerobic microorganisms, total coliforms, E. coli, molds, and yeasts. This study provides fundamental information about nopal cultivation in La Mesa de los Santos-Santander, highlighting its potential as a food source through morphometric analysis, by estimating the weight of the crops without causing damage to them, in addition to nutritional analysis. These findings are of great local significance, and it is hoped that future research will promote the use and further knowledge of this plant.
Translated title of the contributionCladodes morphometry grown in Santander - Colombia: an exploratory study
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)88–101
Number of pages14
JournalRevista Colombiana de Investigaciones Agroindustriales
Issue number2
StatePublished - 26 Oct 2023

Research Areas UNAB

  • Salud, Estado y Sociedad

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