Latin American Smart University: Key Factors for a User-Centered Smart Technology Adoption Model

Cesar Dario Guerrero Santander, Dewar Rico-Bautista, César A. Collazos, Gina Maestre-Gongora, Yurley Medina-Cárdenas

Research output: EventsScientific eventspeer-review


The quality of administrative, academic, and extension processes is influenced by the management of technology in universities. Smart technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, the Internet of things (IoT), and big data continue to emerge with great prominence. Universities must use tools that connect learning with the use of new technologies, bridging gaps with the outside world. Smart education is provided by an educational environment supported by smart technologies and devices. A smart university is primarily based on the integration of smart technologies into the educational process. The emergence of this concept allows the application of a large number of components that involve the adaptation of the traditional educational model using these technologies. Many of the ideas of adoption in Latin American universities generate demotivation toward change and do not imply the expected impact in their processes. One way to prevent this situation is to monitor the adoption process itself. The generation of tools that can measure the level of adoption by universities is a necessity as smart technologies are incorporated and become more powerful. Focusing on the users of the processes is an objective of adoption measurement. A User-Centered Smart University Model is the goal of this transformation process, established on factors such as an individual’s perception, safety and risks, and organizational support.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
StatePublished - 7 Mar 2021

Research Areas UNAB

  • Telemática

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