Innovation strategies to develop specific professional skills on photovoltaic systems using laboratory experience guides: Technologies and sustainability education

Adalberto Ospino-Castro, Jorge Iván Silva-Ortega, Yecid Muñoz-Maldonado, John Edwin Candelo Becerra, Mario Mejia-Taboada, Guillermo Valencia-Ochoa, Samir Umaña-Ibañez

Research output: Articles / NotesScientific Articlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The use of new strategies for develop professional skills on photovoltaic systems was designed as result of integrated cooperation between universities and research groups that work in the development of tools to implement an academic program for using solar energy. This paper covers the proposed outcomes that will be achieved during the application of activities, an introduction to the concepts that are considered, the methodological process that is applied, and activities that promote independent work by the students using experiences guide applying photovoltaic systems. There are used during the teaching process preliminary questions to assess the understanding of the concepts and objectives considered. As a result, students will design a final report to validate the outcomes completion. These strategies search the development of skill through courses, gaining as result a solid experience in research aimed to develop photovoltaic technologies as classroom activities in order to keep a sustainability of the program. This paper presents an example of a practice guide called "Characterization of Photovoltaic Cell with Artificial Lighting and Natural Lighting" in order to present the structure and explain the cognitive process, allowing the assimilation of knowledge. The strategies were designed to stimulate interaction with a real environment, with a focus on validating theories and models focusing on the application of photovoltaic systems including developmental educational model; for this reason, there are promoted new ideas for education in the area of photovoltaic systems considering the implementation of sustainable energy and increasing the scope of engineering education.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10
Issue number29
StatePublished - 2016


  • Independent work
  • Outcomes
  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable energy


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