Human management by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios: A reflective theoretical approach scenarios: A reflective theoretical approach

Research output: EventsScientific eventspeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Human management is interpreted by competencies in competitive and complex scenarios. According to the documentary review of disciplinary, classic and current research; with a reflective theoretical approach using hermeneutics. The findings show the reinvention of the human being, adapting to turbulent changes in the environment, where the skills of talent get in the way to take on global challenges, associated with sustainability, in the face of the era of the new normal, where everything seems to be stable, but the dynamics of life manifests the detriment of resources and capacities of the world, limiting the living being, responding and challenging market requirements.
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Number of pages682
StatePublished - 2022
EventThe 3rd International Workshop of Innovation and Technologies (IWIT 2022) - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Ontario, Canada
Duration: 9 Aug 202211 Aug 2022


OtherThe 3rd International Workshop of Innovation and Technologies (IWIT 2022)

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