Fostering Problem-Solving Skills and Creativity in Latin America Primary Schools Through System Dynamics: Fostering Problem-Solving Skills and Creativity in Latin America Primary Schools Through System Dynamics

Martha Lizette Massey Galvis, Jorge Andrick Parra Valencia

Research output: Book / Book Chapter / ReportChapterpeer-review


There is a growing need to foster problem-solving skills and creativity in Latin America among primary-school students. This chapter highlights the importance of using system dynamics to achieve these goals. Educators can create an integrated learning environment that helps students develop analytical and creative capabilities to tackle complex issues by incorporating collaborative teaching strategies like visualization, structured dialogue, problem-solving activities, and simulations. Developing systems thinking skills is crucial for making informed decisions and taking responsible action in today’s complex world. Educators can use system dynamics models and instructional materials to create a dynamic and interactive learning experience that promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. This approach requires clear communication, problem-understanding, creative and critical thinking, and evaluation of solutions. To achieve success, educators must foster an environment that emphasizes collaboration, creativity, openness to new ideas, and interaction. By empowering students to tackle localized problems, educators can create leaders in problem-solving and promote better learning and development outcomes for Latin American students and communities. Overall, this chapter provides insights into the benefits of using system dynamics to foster problem-solving skills and creativity among primary school students in Latin America. The chapter also offers practical guidance for educators on creating an integrated learning environment that promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork and ultimately drives better learning outcomes for students.

Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Title of host publicationFostering Problem-Solving Skills and Creativity in Latin America Primary Schools Through System Dynamics
Number of pages191
StatePublished - 14 Nov 2023

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