Flow Control Strategies Using Classical Regulatory Technique and Advanced H2 Technique in an Irrigation Emulation Pilot Plant

C. L. Sandoval-Rodríguez, C. L. Higuera, J. G. Ascanio-Villabona, A. D. Rincón Quintero, J. G. Maradey-Lazaro

Research output: EventsScientific eventspeer-review


In the current work, a flow control tool with classic and advanced control setting functions has been developed for the laboratory bench in the UTS automation classroom. The focus is to strengthen the construction of process control strategies in the academic field for the professional community of students: the electromechanical engineering of the Technological Units of Santander. The advanced flow control system consists of a physical structure (Interconnected Tanks), a hydraulic system, an electrical and electronic control system. The main objective was to implement a flow control strategy using classical regulatory technique and advanced H2 technique on the existing Allen Bradley control system into a pilot plant. The methodology was to configure the hardware and software of the plant, emulate the plant with simulation tools, identify the dynamics of the process, implement the control strategies in the Allend Bradlley PAC simulator. The control strategies were: PID and H2 controllers, with automatic tuning tools and calculation of H2 optimization parameters. The control strategies were: PID and H2 controllers., with automatic tuning tools and calculation of H2 optimization parameters. The results showed good behavior for the follow-up of the flow variable with or without a set of perturbance signals. Finally, a model of the plant, a system for the supervision and control of the process, the programmed controllers, the data-based process models, the tuning parameters for the controllers with classical and advanced techniques are products in this work.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
StatePublished - 2022
Event16th Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology , CIT 2021 - Quito, Ecuador
Duration: 14 Jun 202118 Jun 2021


Conference16th Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology , CIT 2021


  • Control system
  • Flow control
  • Robust control
  • Tuning


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