Dynamics and learning scenarios for the road infrastructure development system: Colombian case

Gabriel Mauricio Martinez Toro, Laura Milena Cárdenas Ardila, Gerly Carolina Ariza Zabala, Jorge Andrick Parra Valencia

Research output: Articles / NotesScientific Articlepeer-review


Studies focused on understanding the dynamics of road resources availability for the construction and maintenance of roads are useful for planning infrastructural goals to leverage the competitiveness of the products transported by this mode of transport. This paper guides action plans and achievement targets for the number of kilometers of roads in good condition within a road network in the Colombian case, through the development of a systemic model. This study disaggregates the variables that make up the road system to visualize how the use of materials such as flexible and rigid pavement, contributes to the achievement of goals of kilometers of roads in good condition. The scenarios suggest that flexible pavement shows more favorable results in the short term, and rigid pavement, in the long run. However, mixing the materials shows improvements leading to the achievement of kilometers of roads in good condition.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number1
StatePublished - 17 Feb 2021

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