Análisis de las diferentes estrategias adoptadas para generar un resurgimiento y sostenimiento de las Agencias de Viajes Post Pandemia de Covid-19

Research output: Articles / NotesConference articlepeer-review


Objective: The research work's main objective is to analyze and contrast whether the different recommendations issued by different authors, organizations, and public and private tourism associations are correct and accurate for travel agencies to rebound their economic activities after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology: To do this, through the "Snowball Sampling” methodology, information were collected from different sources on tourism such as webinars, scientific articles, media articles, interviews and among others, where the issue of travel agencies was addressed and the actions that they must take to face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Originality: This study is based on the strong negative impacts on tourism generated by the different restrictive measures taken by governments to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one of them being the closing of territorial borders. This situation has led to different companies in the tourism industry, including travel agencies, to generate different strategies to withstand the historical drop in the number of tourists, and to evolve the way they operate, adapting to future trends in post-pandemic tourism.
Results: The result of the analysis determined four key strategies that travel agencies should have: promote the development of a more sustainable tourism; personalization and advice on travel plans; implement online sales and advice; and have greater support from government entities.
Original languageSpanish (Colombia)
Pages (from-to)132-148
Number of pages16
JournalProceedings of the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management
StatePublished - May 2021

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